Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Formal Introduction

I hate when your with a friend and you meet someone your friend knows and you have to go out of your way to have a formal introduction. So rather than be asked or leave those out there wondering who I am I figured I would introduce myself.

My name is Sara. It is not pronounced as you have probably pronounced it your whole life in a matter of Ser-uh. It is pronounced in a different way more of a Sar-uh. I guess you could call it a strong "A" sound. I guess the pronunciation of my name probably doesn't really matter in the internet world. It matters in real world where I have developed a system of correcting someone once and if it is missed I don't correct again until asked. Lately in the clinical setting my nurse preceptors don't even ask my name they just look at my name tag and assume it is said traditionally.

Anyway back to the introduction. I grew up in a small town in northern California. It has two stoplights and not much else going for it. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona to attend a private Christian university with a guaranteed spot in the nursing program. When I first started there I had no idea what it meant to be a Christian and shortly after attending school there I gave my life to God and was baptized. I started the Nursing program this last spring and can successfully say I passed my first level of Nursing school. I have two years left in the program and know that the road in front of me is a hard one.

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