Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Commitment, Cameras, and Care Plans.

I debated long and hard over starting a blog and by long I mean I thought about it at the beginning of this past semester and wanted to be sure that I was ready to commit to this. I know it may not seem like a commitment, but to me it is. I couldn't even finish the 30 day facebook photo challenge how am I supposed to say that I will for sure go through with this for who knows how long. But I decided to commit to this. I can't guarantee i'll be able to post every day or even every couple days, but I do promise to post at least once a week.

So I guess someone might be curious as to why the name "From Cameras to Care Plans"? I have two major passions in life: photography and nursing. Cameras are as critical to photography as care plans are to nursing. I'm not going to write only about those things but there's a good chance there will be an emphasis in those subjects. As to why it says "from" and "to" if I had a choice and money would never be a problem I would just travel the world and take pictures of everything, but I have to be realistic and have a career that will actually be able to support me, so I chose nursing. I guess another reason might be because I  fell in love with photography before I ever had the idea that nursing was for me. I also love cooking and baking and I'm trying to learn how to play an instrument (currently guitar, but i've always been intrigued by percussion). Just a few more possible places you might see this blog go.

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