Thursday, May 26, 2011

5 pounds and 5ks

So after my last post I put some thought into it and decided I want to run a 5k. I looked into it and found one in October this gives me about 4 months to train for it and money goes towards women's cancer research, which is something that hits close to home. My late '"nanny" (grandmother) was a breast cancer survivor and cancer runs in my family. So I decided I would make this commitment for her and for myself.  For me to get up off the couch and do something this summer.

In addition to committing to a 5k, I started a new diet program last week. I wasn't going to blog about it because what if i don't end up succeeding but if I can't admit to it then how can i expect myself to live by it. It's not just another fad diet, it's one of those doctor supervised diet. Well, anyway I lost 5 pounds which a lot of it was probably water weight but pounds are pounds.

Until next time i'm just gonna keep running and counting my proteins and carbs.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sitting Around in the Summer

As a nursing student, student leader, and just in general college aged girl my schedule during the school year was so fast paced and crammed with so many items to be done, that I rarely had a minute where I had nothing to do. So I decided when I got home I would sit back and relax for a while. But where does the sitting around end and the start making the most of my summer begin? I thought that maybe I would wait until it warmed up and started feeling like summer, but with the recent weather being cold and rainy, I'm starting wonder if it will ever warm up. Maybe I'll wait until everyone else is done with school for the summer, but wait I don't have many friends that are coming home this summer, so that won't work. I guess I need to find an initiative to get up and go and soon because i'm wasting my summer away.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Commitment, Cameras, and Care Plans.

I debated long and hard over starting a blog and by long I mean I thought about it at the beginning of this past semester and wanted to be sure that I was ready to commit to this. I know it may not seem like a commitment, but to me it is. I couldn't even finish the 30 day facebook photo challenge how am I supposed to say that I will for sure go through with this for who knows how long. But I decided to commit to this. I can't guarantee i'll be able to post every day or even every couple days, but I do promise to post at least once a week.

So I guess someone might be curious as to why the name "From Cameras to Care Plans"? I have two major passions in life: photography and nursing. Cameras are as critical to photography as care plans are to nursing. I'm not going to write only about those things but there's a good chance there will be an emphasis in those subjects. As to why it says "from" and "to" if I had a choice and money would never be a problem I would just travel the world and take pictures of everything, but I have to be realistic and have a career that will actually be able to support me, so I chose nursing. I guess another reason might be because I  fell in love with photography before I ever had the idea that nursing was for me. I also love cooking and baking and I'm trying to learn how to play an instrument (currently guitar, but i've always been intrigued by percussion). Just a few more possible places you might see this blog go.

A Formal Introduction

I hate when your with a friend and you meet someone your friend knows and you have to go out of your way to have a formal introduction. So rather than be asked or leave those out there wondering who I am I figured I would introduce myself.

My name is Sara. It is not pronounced as you have probably pronounced it your whole life in a matter of Ser-uh. It is pronounced in a different way more of a Sar-uh. I guess you could call it a strong "A" sound. I guess the pronunciation of my name probably doesn't really matter in the internet world. It matters in real world where I have developed a system of correcting someone once and if it is missed I don't correct again until asked. Lately in the clinical setting my nurse preceptors don't even ask my name they just look at my name tag and assume it is said traditionally.

Anyway back to the introduction. I grew up in a small town in northern California. It has two stoplights and not much else going for it. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona to attend a private Christian university with a guaranteed spot in the nursing program. When I first started there I had no idea what it meant to be a Christian and shortly after attending school there I gave my life to God and was baptized. I started the Nursing program this last spring and can successfully say I passed my first level of Nursing school. I have two years left in the program and know that the road in front of me is a hard one.