Ok I'm not going to make any promises anymore, because obviously I have an inability to post every week.
thing that have consumed my time other than blogging:
Shark Week
being forced to watch hours of TV as part of family bonding.
so lets start with the quilt. I decided last summer I wanted to make a quilt to use on my bed in college rather than the comforter I bought before my freshman year. So i bought fabric but never did anything with it as I had no time during the school year nor the space to do it. So halfway through this summer I decided I would do this and so most of my days the last few weeks and some nights have been filled with countless hours of sewing and redesigning and running to the fabric store when things don't turn out as planned. I still am not finished but I need to be by Monday so i can take it to a quilt shop and have it quilted.
Shark week. I watched two episodes last year and because I have been working on my quilt I didn't have a chance to watch any episodes live(normal time) So i tivoed all of shark week I mean 40 hours of sharks. I have about 16 hours left to watch but i'm learning so much. Like for example the beaches I grew up going to is 25 miles from the Great White shark hot spot of North America. However there has only been 6 attacks in the beach area that I go to often none being deadly. I also learned that sharks have extra senses that allow them to feel changes in water like you splashing in the water, and that they have the ability to sense electrical impulses like your heart beating and maybe even muscle contractions. and theres a tribe in Africa that uses coconuts on a stick like a rattle to call sharks. It is all really intriguing if you get a chance watch it next year. But the saddest part of it is on average 4 people die from shark attacks globally and yet we kill 40 million in the same amount of time a lot of time just for their fins. It is one of the saddest things. We invade their space and a lot of time shark attacks are just a cause of mistaken identity. Did you know more people are killed by ostriches than sharks each year? yeah, I'm more scared of ostriches than sharks.
Running: I changed my running program because I just wasn't progressing fast enough to make a 5k in october so i found that a running store in my area had a training program for the 10 weeks before a 5k and that's exactly where I am so it was perfect. I have taken 1:40 off my mile in the last week. It's still slow but slow and ready wins the race? or at least finishes it. Oh and I finally bought a pair of real running shoes. It's amazing to have the right shoes to run in.
Forced TV bonding. It sounds bad. but it actually isn't I mean I probably won't stay caught up on these shows once I go back to school but its a way to spend time with my family and that's all that really matters isn't it?
Other things I have a new love for a website called pinterest where you pin things you like on the internet but i don't do a whole lot of pinning really i just look at other peoples pins and repin them but its so interesting the ideas you come up with to do things. It's definitely a creativity stimuli which makes me want to do 400 million projects that I won't have time to do starting two weeks from now. I also have been playing some video games, I guess there isn't much to say about that except i learned that if i'm tired and want to take a nap playing video games for the same amount of time has the same effect as a nap except i don't wake up with the groggy nap headache.
I think thats it for this post. I have a few ideas for another post so maybe another post later tonight or tomorrow, but don't hold your breath because we all know i'm bad at the consistency of blogginh