Okay, So i completely failed to continue my blog once I got to school. Somehow i think we all saw that coming. But this is a new year and with the new year comes resolutions. I'm pretty sure the only resolution i made last year was to loose 25 pounds. I'm happy to say I almost tripled that number by loosing 70 pounds in 2011. Those are 70 lbs I will never see again.
I believe there's some form of accountability in writing things out and putting it on the internet. Like once you put it out there people see it and ask you about it and so you have to keep yourself accountable to do it because people might ask you how it is going and you don't want to say well actually i haven't been keeping up with my new year resolution.
So here is my list of New Year's Resolution to complete in 2012:
1. Loose another 50 pounds.
2. Work out three times a week and eat healthy (no matter what).
3. Write a blog post once a week.
4. Learn how to play 6 new songs on guitar.
5. Take a Risk (do something i normally wouldn't do)
6. Tell people more when I love and appreciate them
7. Say Yes more than I say No
8. Procrastinate less
9. Get 8 hours of sleep at least 4 nights a week.
10. Clean my room and do laundry once a week
11. Run a 5k (even if it's on the treadmill and not an actual race)
12. Travel somewhere i've never been before.
I figured 12 was a good number. there's 12 months in a year. it's the year 2012 (twenty-twelve). So i plan on keeping you updated and hope if you read this you will keep me accountable. So don't be afraid to ask me about my New Year resolutions when you see me and don't be afraid to call me out when i don't follow them. Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Sara.... This is a great blog. Good luck with your resolutions.