Ten years ago a group of terrorist set out to change the America forever, they succeeded not in putting terror into every Americans heart but by causing a tremendous amount of nationalism. It's hard to believe that it has been ten years since September 11, 2001. I remember exactly what I did that day as if it was yesterday and my heart still shatters at the pictures of the burning towers. It's amazing to look back and see how much people came together and showed pride in their country. Flags were everywhere and everyone had pride in their country and many we're ready to go to war to pay back the lives we had lost on sad September day. It's amazing how God can show light through so much chaos. Now that 10 years have past many of those people who wanted to send off our troops now are against them. While you may not agree with having the troops overseas remember they are just doing their duty, we should support them in every way possible because if you're not willing to stand behind them feel free to stand in front of them. Today I hope people will take some time, whether it be an hour or even just a few minutes to stop and think about those who lost their lives on 9/11 and everyday since then fighting overseas. I hope people will always remember those lives so that they may not have been taken in vain. Heres to the civilians, the policemen, the firefighters, our service members, and their families who lost their lives due to the acts on 9/11 or in the war that there followed, you will never be forgotten. I am sad I never got the chance to see the twin towers in real life, it would have been something that i would have wanted to have seen. May God Bless America! Land of the free and Home of the brave! Red, White, and Blue: colors that never run!

While this picture is incredibly sad it's one that we can never forget because this moment is one that changed america forever.
This picture is iconic and I feel was crucial to the beginning of healing as a nation.